Do you know your personal brand?

Whether you think you have a personal brand or not, you do. So, why not be intentional about cultivating a brand that establish your reputation within your area of expertise and industry?


Quite often my clients are averse to developing their personal and professional brand because as they say it it’s like ‘selling themselves’ and they feel comfortable with that approach. I understand that. What if I tell you that you are already ‘selling yourself’ and may not even be aware of it! 

There is of course a great way to shine while being authentically yourself. The key is to do it in a way that others experience the best of you because of the beautiful impression you leave behind.

Your brand is essentially your reputation. Every interaction you have with someone, whether big or small, you are effectively creating an experience and letting others know what they can expect from you. 


Think of any big brand such as Apple., Amazon, Coca Cola, Nike and consider what they offer above their competition. Their brand is their intrinsic value that translates into billions of dollars. If companies like these continue to invest heavily in their brands, why should you not do the same so you can be considered for the next opportunity you did not see coming! 


When you know your unique skills, talents, values and passions you can position yourself above the competition and be first of mind when opportunities for plum projects or advancements arise. 


Here are 5 things you can start doing right now to improve your personal and professional brand:

  1. Be yourself 

  2. Improve your LinkedIn profile to build your network

  3. Dress appropriately for the occasion and environment. Grooming and professional appearance matters. 

  4. Have great communication skills. Make sure your non-verbal skills shine through such as great eye contact, good listening skills and of course terrific handshake.

  5. Exude confidence and great energy the next time you introduce yourself


Building your brand requires being clear about who you are, consistency, finding opportunities to demonstrate your individuality and maximizing your strengths. With a strong brand you can make professional career choices that are more aligned with your preferred future.


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Do you know what you really, really want?